1. Brain Monster (in class project)
2. 2 practice blind contour drawings (in class)
3. Do 3 blind contours of your hand or foot in different positions (homework assignment)
4. Draw something little in a big way! (This is an observation drawing so make sure the object is in front of you and you are looking closely at what you are drawing. You can use something small you find in your backpack or pocket OR I have a bin of small items you could try to draw. Draw them at least twice as big as they are. You may do a more complex object or several easier object but take about 30 minutes. (in class and homework)
5. Draw the front of the school from memory. (We are going to look at how well you did next time.)
6. Do 3 gesture drawings in class and 3 more gesture drawings for homework (3 min each). You can find reference images on the website under “PowerPoints” – “Figure references”.
7. Do a cross contour drawing of something from your fridge. Take about 20 min. (See the Power Point on Contour and Cross Contour drawing is you don't know how to do a cross contour drawing.)
8. Drawing of your choice
9. Draw and correctly shade 4 basic shapes (sphere, cone, cylinder and cube) Watch the tutorial "How to Shade Basic Forms" (link under YouTube clips on the drop-down menu).
10. Draw a value drawing of your favorite candy. Use a reference (photo or real object).
11-15. 5 3-min gesture drawings
16. Draw a realistic #2 pencil
17. Layer colored pencil practice to show value changes
* At least 1 hour+ drawing on your own.
- At least one hour drawing on your own
- 5 possible comic strip characters (in class and homework)
- Practice drawing your comic strip characters with different expressions.
- Texture cylinder (watch and draw along with YouTube clip)
Here are some ideas for things you could draw on your own in your sketchbook: